JO Volleyball parent and player meeting on Sunday, May 5th, at 7:30 PM in the Waubun Commons.
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Sports/Activities- Thursday: SB @ LPA at 4pm (Double Header) Bus leaves 2:00 from Mahnomen. Please excuse Waubun players at this time. ~ JH Boys Golf @ Fertile Waubun golfers excused at 2:15 **ride with baseball to Mahnomen ~Track @ Hawley Bus leaves Mahnomen at 2:40. Please excuse Waubun tracksters at 2:25. Baseball @ Winemac Bus leaves Waubun at 2:30. Please excuse players at 2:15. *****Golfers will ride this bus to Mahnomen **** Girls Golf cancelled for today ~ JH Track @ Bagley (bus leaves at 2pm- please excuse Eric Beaupre at 1:50) Boys Golf @ Ada has been switched to Tuesday- April 30th Saturday: Softball @ Frazee Tournament
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Pancake Breakfast this Sunday!
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Please try to attend if you can.
almost 6 years ago, Waubun Ogema White Earth School
Summer Job Opportunities: Waubun-Ogema-White Earth District #435 is seeking to hire Summer Recreation Student Workers (4) for Summer Recreation Program - Summer Baseball and Softball in Waubun from June 3rd - June 27 th, 2019 (No Fridays). Qualifications include: being an active and enrolled student, age 14 or older. Starting wage is $9.00 an hour The WOWE staff is truly “one team with one goal”. Pick up applications in the Guidance Office Waubun-Ogema-White Earth District #435 is seeking to hire a Temporary Tech Assistant for the summer. This position is responsible for assisting the Technology Coordinator with the IT areas of the District. Qualifications include: being an active and enrolled student, age 14 or older. Starting wage is $9.00 an hour. Interested students can submit their application in person or via email to: Human Resources at PO Box 98, Waubun, MN 56589 or email Questions, please call 218-473-6171. Open until Filled. Applications in the Guidance Office
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Congratulations to the Thunderbird Baseball team on their exciting win over Fertile Beltrami last night!
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Native Club Meeting during Advisory on Thursday in the Media Center Sports/Activities- Thursday: SB @ LPA at 4pm (Double Header) Bus leaves 2:00 from Mahnomen. Please excuse Waubun players at this time. ~Girls Golf @ Fosston Waubun golfers excused at 2:15 **ride with baseball to Mahnomen ~ JH Boys Golf @ Fertile Waubun golfers excused at 2:15 **ride with baseball to Mahnomen ~Track @ Hawley Bus leaves Mahnomen at 2:40. Please excuse Waubun tracksters at that time. Baseball @ Winemac Bus leaves Waubun at 2:30. Please excuse players at 2:15. *****Golfers will ride this bus to Mahnomen Boys Golf @ Ada has been switched to Tuesday- April 30th Saturday: Softball @ Frazee Tournament Elementary Volleyball Camp: May 5th-7th: Cost: $35 (includes T-shirt)... pick up registration forms in Guidance Office
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Happy Administrative Professionals Day! Thank you to all our office. Students at Waubun made a great poster to show their thanks!
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
White Earth SYEP applications available
almost 6 years ago, Waubun High School
Sports/Activities- Today: JH Track @ Mahnomen (4:30) ~ Softball vs NCE/UH @ Twin Valley (bus leaves @ 2:45- please excuse players at 2:30) (game at 4:30) ~ Baseball @ Waubun vs Fertile (4:30)JV/JH will play after varsity ~ Boys JV Golf and JH Girls Golf have been cancelled. Thursday: SB @ LPA at 4pm (Double Header) Bus leaves 2:00 from Mahnomen. Please excuse Waubun players at this time. ~Boys Golf @ Ada Waubun golfers excused at 2:15 **ride with baseball to Mahnomen ~Girls Golf @ Fosston Waubun golfers excused at 2:15 **ride with baseball to Mahnomen ~ JH Boys Golf @ Fertile Waubun golfers excused at 2:15 **ride with baseball to Mahnomen ~Track @ Hawley Bus leaves Mahnomen at 2:40. Please excuse Waubun tracksters at that time. Baseball @ Winemac Bus leaves Waubun at 2:30. Please excuse players at 2:15. *****Golfers will ride this bus to Mahnomen Saturday: Softball @ Frazee Tournament Elementary Volleyball Camp: May 5th-7th: Cost: $35 (includes T-shirt)... pick up registration forms in Guidance Office
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Seniors: Group Picture for graduation publications will be taken TOMORROW, during homeroom! Wear your Thunderbird or Bomber gear
almost 6 years ago, Waubun High School
WOWE’s First Annual Spring POWWOW, FRIDAY!: 2:15-5:30pm- Princess and Brave Contest (5-12 grades), MC, Drum Groups, and much more
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Please see the following picture to review our snow days make up plan.
almost 6 years ago, Waubun Ogema White Earth School
snow day plan
Have a wonderful Easter from all of us at WOWE School District. Remember there is no school Friday (4/19) and Monday (4/22)
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Sports/Activities- Thursday: JH Boys Golf @Winemac is Cancelled---SB vs Northome 4:30 in Waubun- HAS BEEN CANCELLED! ~ Baseball @Fertile postponed!--Picture day. Softball will start at 3:15 so they can get to the field to warm up. Please excuse Sr Basketball players at 1:45 to go to Mahnomen for the game. Elementary Volleyball Camp: May 5th-7th: Cost: $35 (includes T-shirt)... pick up registration forms in Guidance Office
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Kick-start is having a hopping good time today!
almost 6 years ago, Angie Lehrke
Kick-start is having a hopping good time today!
The 5th and 6th Grade Spring Concert will be TUESDAY, May 7th at 8:30 AM in the Waubun Commons. Yes, A.M.! Coffee provided.
almost 6 years ago, Sarah Bauck
Free America Library of Poetry Annual Poetry Contest!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Baker
Free America Library of Poetry Annual Poetry Contest!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Baker
Free America Library of Poetry Annual Poetry Contest!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Baker