These 3 wonderful girls were caught being good - picking up garbage on the playground during their free time! “We just want what is best for our playground!” 😀❤️🌎
almost 6 years ago, Angie Lehrke
These 3 wonderful girls were caught being good - picking up garbage on the playground during their free time! “We just want what is best for our playground!” 😀❤️🌎
These 3 wonderful girls were caught being good - picking up garbage on the playground during their free time! “We just want what is best for our playground!” 😀❤️🌎
almost 6 years ago, Angie Lehrke
7:30-8:00 Muffins in the Morning 8:00-8:50 4th Grade Geography Fair 9:00-9:45 4th Grade Spring Farewell Program *Students will return to class after the program*
almost 6 years ago, Angie Lehrke
7:30-8:00 Muffins in the Morning 8:00-8:50 4th Grade Geography Fair 9:00-9:45 4th Grade Spring Farewell Program *Students will return to class after the program*
Help us celebrate Rose Lanoue's Retirement! Tuesday, May 21, 2019 4-5 pm Ogema Elementary Cafeteria
almost 6 years ago, Angie Lehrke
Help us celebrate Rose Lanoue's Retirement! Tuesday, May 21, 2019 4-5 pm  Ogema Elementary Cafeteria
First grade has been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. To grow into an adult they go through 4 stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly! We got to watch real live caterpillars go through these stages of metamorphosis over the past few weeks and today Miss Stalberger’s class released their Painted Ladies on the playground! We gave them a gentle wave as we said our “goodbyes” and a couple of them even hung out with us for a while before flying away!
almost 6 years ago, Angie Lehrke
First grade has been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. To grow into an adult they go through 4 stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly! We got to watch real live caterpillars go through these stages of metamorphosis over the past few weeks and today Miss Stalberger’s class released their Painted Ladies on the playground! We gave them a gentle wave as we said our “goodbyes” and a couple of them even hung out with us for a while before flying away!
First grade has been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. To grow into an adult they go through 4 stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly! We got to watch real live caterpillars go through these stages of metamorphosis over the past few weeks and today Miss Stalberger’s class released their Painted Ladies on the playground! We gave them a gentle wave as we said our “goodbyes” and a couple of them even hung out with us for a while before flying away!
Cleighton Hoban will be in the news tomorrow! He was chosen to be on the KVLY weather kid, he will be on at 5:00 PM
almost 6 years ago, Angie Lehrke
Cleighton Hoban will be in the news tomorrow!  He was chosen to be on the KVLY weather kid, he will be on at 5:00 PM
Kindergarten classes were visited by farmer Donna Spaeth today. She brought a hen and a rooster that were hatched at Ogema Elementary last year. Students learned a few differences between hens and roosters, and took turns petting a hen. Thank you Donna Spaeth!
almost 6 years ago, Kristi Bellefeuille
Kindergarten classes were visited by farmer Donna Spaeth today.  She brought a hen and a rooster that were hatched at Ogema Elementary last year.  Students learned a few differences between hens and roosters, and took turns petting a hen.  Thank you Donna Spaeth!
Kindergarten classes were visited by farmer Donna Spaeth today.  She brought a hen and a rooster that were hatched at Ogema Elementary last year.  Students learned a few differences between hens and roosters, and took turns petting a hen.  Thank you Donna Spaeth!
Kindergarten classes were visited by farmer Donna Spaeth today.  She brought a hen and a rooster that were hatched at Ogema Elementary last year.  Students learned a few differences between hens and roosters, and took turns petting a hen.  Thank you Donna Spaeth!
Last chick post, I promise...😌 Quote of the chick unit, by Jaelyn Spaeth: Looking at our illustrated eggs..."Miss Allen, that our chicks went from this embryo (day one) to this chick (day 21) is like a miracle of life." ♡ Life IS a miracle. We teachers are so, so lucky to have your kids in ours. ♡ #everydaycounts
almost 6 years ago, Miss Allen
JO Volleyball parent and player meeting on Sunday, May 5th, at 7:30 PM in the Waubun Commons.
almost 6 years ago, Waubun High School
Sports/Activities- Friday: 9am - Boys Golf @ Park Rapids. Excuse Golfers all day ~ 4pm - JH Baseball vs Bagley in Mahnomen. JV to follow ~ 4:30:Varsity Baseball vs Bagley in Waubun Saturday: JH SB Tournament in Hawley. Time TBD
almost 6 years ago, Waubun High School
Congrats to Cady Clark for finishing 2nd in the Jr High golf meet in Ada with a 43
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Waubun Boys and Girls Club is closed today!
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Ogema Caught Being Good Winners!
almost 6 years ago, Laurie Johnson
CBG Winners
One of the biggest spring science units in Kindergarten is the life cycle of chickens. For 21 days, each Kindergarten class incubated 18 chicken eggs and discussed the chicks' development inside the eggs. Some vocabulary words we learned include embryo, blood vessels, egg tooth, and air sac. This week we had 25 chicks hatch. We love our baby chicks! 🥚🐥
almost 6 years ago, Miss Allen
The boys' golf team finished in 9th place at the Red Lake Falls/Fertile Invite with a score of 408. Jaycee Clark tied for 2nd with a score of 82.
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Sports/Activities- Thursday: 4pm - Track/Field @Mahnomen- please excuse JH & SH track students at 2:35pm ~ 4:30 - Boys Golf @Winemac. Excuse Waubun players at 2:40 ~4:30 JH Boys Golf @RLF. Excuse Waubun players at 2:20~ 4:30 - JH Girls Golf @ Ada. Excuse Cady Clark at 2:50~ 4:30:Softball vs RLCC- ***JV Baseball at DL tomorrow has been cancelled. We are hoping we will be able to reschedule it for Tuesday, May 14. Friday: 9am - Boys Golf @ Park Rapids. Excuse Golfers all day ~ 4pm - JH Baseball vs Bagley in Mahnomen. JV to follow ~ 4:30:Varsity Baseball vs Bagley in Waubun Saturday: JH SB Tournament in Hawley. Time TBD
almost 6 years ago, Waubun High School
Congratulations to our May Senior of the Month: Elizabeth Reich
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Title VI Parent Committee Meeting 5/2/19 in Waubun High School Media Center, 5 PM
almost 6 years ago, Patti DeGroat
Summer Job Opportunities: Waubun-Ogema-White Earth District #435 is seeking to hire Summer Recreation Student Workers (4) for Summer Recreation Program - Summer Baseball and Softball in Waubun from June 3rd - June 27 th, 2019 (No Fridays). Qualifications include: being an active and enrolled student, age 14 or older. Starting wage is $9.00 an hour The WOWE staff is truly “one team with one goal”. Pick up applications in the Guidance Office Waubun-Ogema-White Earth District #435 is seeking to hire a Temporary Tech Assistant for the summer. This position is responsible for assisting the Technology Coordinator with the IT areas of the District. Qualifications include: being an active and enrolled student, age 14 or older. Starting wage is $9.00 an hour. Interested students can submit their application in person or via email to: Human Resources at PO Box 98, Waubun, MN 56589 or email Questions, please call 218-473-6171. Open until Filled. Applications in the Guidance Office White Earth Supplemental Youth Employment Education Program (SYEP) Applications are now available on the bulletin board. Must apply by May 31st. Must be Native American, living on the White Earth Reservation, and ages 14-21
almost 6 years ago, Waubun High School
Student Council officer elections will take place this Friday. You will be able to vote before school and during lunch. The following students are running for office so feel free to talk to them, find out what they want to do to make our school even better, and give them your suggestions. President: Nathan Nelson Vice President: Gabby Bellanger and Nindonnis Englund Secretary: Nicole Swedberg Treasurer: Kendra Syverson and Tyson McArthur
almost 6 years ago, Waubun High School
student council